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Everywhere, On Planet Earth, United States
Gravity is for the weak. Go climb something.

January 30, 2013

Parties and Nightlife

I'm dancing around, feeling really good, lip synching along when I stop short. I'm feeling pumped, the adrenaline is running through my veins and for a moment, I tricked myself into believing I was Karen O. I feel really, really good. But what is this peculiar feeling? I can't quite put my fingers on it. Shifting my weight, bobbing back and forth, I am trying to pinpoint the irregularity of my condition. There is a warmth and tingling sensation that I'm familiar with. As brilliant as I think this is, I don't know why it occurs to me, but I find myself looking down.

Now this feeling, you can't see it. Well, maybe if you were naked. But I assume that when most women get this feeling, while naked, it is usually when the lights are out. Women are so silly. "Um, could you maybe turn off all the lights... in the city?" I look down, as if my eyes would see this fantastic feeling and OH, my eyes rest on my crotch. Yes, I did not even touch myself, I swear. I totally can. I am alone, the music made for rowdy ben romping, but I didn't. No. It dawns on me that this warmth and tingling is emanating from my nether regions. It's like there's a party going on in my pants that I wasn't invited to! Yes, how awesome is that? Wouldn't it be great if I could walk around in a constant state of arousal. Actually, I kind of do, most of the time when my mind is clear and happy. I could purchase a really nice, cashmere pencil skirt accompanied with an orgasmic whammy. I could even have a little episode right there at the counter while paying for my skirt. The cashier warily inquires if I am OK. OK? I'm more than exhilarated! "This is 100% cashmere, right?"... Thank you, ma'am, I'm feeling like I hit the jackpot, and I don't even have to walk around with a pesky erection. I imagine those can get in the way of most activities...

You know what this feeling kind of reminded me of? KY Warming Gel. That stuff kind of stings. Does anyone get that reaction? I hate KY lubricants. Try Astroglide, Aqua, Liquid Silk, or even better, Sliquid H2O which is formulated to last longer than most Hollywood marriages. Let us support the impotent sex industry with our hard-earned dollars, personally tested for your pleasure. Speaking of pleasure, ladies and gents, there's a party that I need to crash so I wish you all a good day and a very good night.