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Everywhere, On Planet Earth, United States
Gravity is for the weak. Go climb something.

November 09, 2012

A Mask Worthy of Me.

I have a secret to reveal to you.

I often give people the benefit of the doubt. Initially. My first impulse is to extend my hand in friendship. The kind of friendship that I'd open my heart and soul to invite you into my life. Polite, I analyze others first and act accordingly after many possible interactions. Everything is subject to scrutiny. 

I do not court conflicts and persons of ill will. I loathe those whom carouse in others' misery. I value and expect honesty. Hearts and sentiments are much easier to sway than minds and convictions. Even the sweetest and most earnest of hearts harbor alternative motives. Enticing babes with sweetness and smiles is still a crime against authenticity.

Critical, sarcastic, cynical, pessimistic? No, I am merely a cynical critic searching for those that champion truth and legitimacy. We all have our masks but some are just more ostentatious than others. You think you don't hide any false pretense from the world with your plain, unpainted face. Well, actions suggest otherwise and contradict what you believe your "non-existing mask" represents and the consequences are obvious to the actors on the stage, all the way to the balcony audience. The poor dears do not even realize their breach of trust and trespass of integrity, they desperately want and act perilously without considering the repercussions. And I could have warned you all from the beginning. But I reserve my opinion until the final, fatal, self-destructive blow. I wear my mask, but I have not made a joke of myself.

May your masks be honest caricatures of your soul. I promise I will not withhold my judgements.

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