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Everywhere, On Planet Earth, United States
Gravity is for the weak. Go climb something.

September 04, 2013

Settling the Particles and the Waves

I sometimes envision my thought as if they were different sized bits of sand, and my mind, water in some vessel. Particles of "thought" flow through the currents of the active "mind". The more the mind races, the more chaotic the thoughts are and the murkier the water is.

As my mind calms, I feel the velocity of the water slow, and I watch the sand settle behind my eyes. As the water stops, I realize that I am not my thoughts, these are things that I picked up along the way. And when I let them settle, I have clarity. There is no glass; there is no sand. I am not the river, nor am I the sea. I am more than a single drop. I am a piece of the great ocean, yet the great ocean I am not. I have no boundary, except I find myself contained only when I find myself surrounded in these "thoughts".

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